BookApp by Ovatu

The best way to book your appointments with your favourite businesses.

Whats BookApp?

BookApp is a web application that allows you to book appointments and find local businesses in your area.

Book Appointments

Book appointments with your favourite businesses.

Find Local Businesses

Find local businesses in your area.

Get Notified

Get notified when your appointment is coming up.

Chat with Businesses

Chat with businesses to ask questions.

Manage Appointments

Manage your appointments with ease.

Get Directions

Get directions to your appointment.

Download BookApp

Download BookApp today and start booking appointments with your favourite businesses.

Looking for an app to help
run your business?
Meet Ovatu.

Ovatu is the world's most advanced appointment scheduling software. It's the only app you'll ever need to run your business.

Frequently asked questions

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To book an appointment, simply go to the Bookings page and select the date and time you would like to book.
To find local businesses, simply go to the Businesses page and search for the business you are looking for.
To get notified of your appointment, simply enable notifications in the app settings.
To chat with businesses, simply go to the Chat page and select the business you would like to chat with.
To manage your appointments, simply go to the Bookings page and select the appointment you would like to manage.
To get directions to your appointment, simply go to the Bookings page and select the appointment you would like to get directions to.